A Guide for Getting Started with Therapy

Have you been thinking about starting therapy but feeling anxious about it? You're not alone. Many individuals share the same initial concerns. It's perfectly normal to have reservations about beginning therapy. The idea of sitting across from a stranger and sharing your life story can be daunting, leading many to avoid therapy out of fear of judgment or the overwhelming prospect of revealing deeply personal struggles. However, it's important to understand that these fears are a natural part of the therapy process, which is all about personal growth and self-discovery.

Tips to Get Started with Therapy

If pre-therapy jitters are holding you back, here are some practical steps to help you overcome the hurdles that might make you contemplate canceling your therapy appointment.

  1. You Can Talk About Anything: The most crucial point to remember is that therapy is a safe space where you can openly discuss anything on your mind. Therapists are not there to judge; they're here to collaborate with you in finding the best solutions to your concerns. It's not uncommon to fear judgment, but therapists have heard a wide range of experiences, and your self-criticism is often projected onto them.

  2. Share at Your Own Pace: Don't feel pressured to reveal everything all at once. It's absolutely fine to take your time opening up about your innermost thoughts. Share what you're comfortable with, and remember, therapy is a journey, not a race.

  3. Ask Questions: Effective therapy relies on open and honest communication. Trust is the foundation for personal growth and constructive feedback. Don't hesitate to ask your therapist questions. You can inquire about their treatment methods, what to expect during sessions, and any other concerns you might have. This dialogue builds a strong foundation for your therapeutic journey.

  4. Financial Clarification: If financial concerns are causing you anxiety, ask about your therapist's payment policy. Inquire about session fees, cancellation charges, and whether insurance covers your sessions. Understanding these financial aspects can alleviate stress and ensure a more rewarding therapeutic experience.

  5. Define Your Goals: Before your first session, take a moment to reflect on what you want to achieve through therapy. Whether it's personal growth, improved mental well-being, or working on specific issues, having clear goals can help you get the most out of your therapy experience. If you are unsure, your therapist can help you clarify your goals (note that these will also change over time!)

The key to successful therapy is understanding that it's a collaborative journey, and it's normal to feel apprehensive at the start. Remember, you have the power to shape your therapy experience, and it's all about helping you become the best version of yourself. Embrace the journey with confidence, and you'll find that the possibilities for personal growth are endless.

Ready to prioritize your mental health and well-being? MSC Therapy offers specialized psychotherapy services for young adult women in New York and Florida. Mollie provides compassionate, client-centered, and supportive therapy to help clients navigate anxiety, low self-esteem, disordered eating, body image concerns, OCD, relationship issues, dating, school or career stress, perfectionism, and life transitions. Services are available virtually, allowing for convenient and accessible support. Reach out now to take the first steps toward a more balanced life.


Finding Balance in a Busy World: Prioritizing Self-Care and Well-being